What are the most used synthetic drugs?
The most common synthetic drugs are: amphetamines, LSD, GHB, ecstasy, anabolic steroids, ice, ketamine, inhalants, ephedrine, poppers. Semi-synthetic drugs are called: crack, cocaine, rachiche crystals, heroin, marijuana (modified), morphine and others.
How are Synthetic Drugs produced?
These are drugs produced from one or more psychoactive chemical substances that cause hallucinations in the individual by stimulating or depressing the central nervous system.
What are the sensations of using this type of drug?
They enable a person to see, hear and feel something without there being a stimulus nearby for such sensations. They act in the same way as other drugs, bringing countless harm to the individual's body.
In what form are they found?
Found in injection, tablet or powder form. Its effects and harm vary depending on the substance.
Who are the main users?
The main users are young people and teenagers in moments of fun, who, based on the leisure situation in which they are inserted, determine the drug to be used.