Entrance exams


Discover the 2019 Entrance Exams

In 2019 There are going to be a lot of entrance exams, so it's a good idea to stay tuned to the list we've put together with the entrance exams that you can't miss in 2019, so don't waste time and go straight to the educational institution you want and find out more about the entrance exam, we separate the institutions per order alphabetica, each with the institution's official link.

If you are the type of person who has been preparing throughout this year and is more than prepared for an entrance exam, the year of 2019 It's full of vacancies for you to apply for, so don't miss this opportunity and check the registration dates so you don't miss out.


Most important entrance exams in Brazil in 2019

Entrance Exams 2019

If you are looking for the most important entrance exams in Brazil in the year 2019, you are in the right place, the institutions are placed in alphabetical order, making your life easier, just ahead you will find the official link where you will see how to register for the entrance exam, remembering that the Entrance exams normally take place in the middle and end of the year.


Check the updated list by States, if you are interested in an entrance exam in your city, click on the link and see if it is also available in your city, follow the list:

Acre (B.C)


Claretian – https://claretiano.edu.br/vestibular

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Alagoas (AL)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Amapá (AP)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Amazon (AM)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Bahia (BA)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Ceará (EC)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Federal District (DF)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Holy Spirit (ES)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Goias (GO)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Maranhão (MA)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Mato Grosso (MT)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Mato Grosso do Sul (MS)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Minas Gerais (MG)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

FUNORT – http://funorte.edu.br/


AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Paraíba (PB)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Paraná (PR)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Pernambuco (PE)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Piauí (PI)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Rio de Janeiro (RJ)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Rio Grande do Norte (RN)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Rio Grande do Sul (LOL)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Rondônia (RO)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Roraima (RR)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Santa Catarina (SC)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

São Paulo (SP)

ALBERT EINSTEIN – https://www.vunesp.com.br/FEAE1801

Baron of Mauá – http://www.baraodemaua.br/ 

thermomechanical college – https://www.vunesp.com.br/FSAR1704

Embraer College – https://www.vunesp.com.br/EMBR1801

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

FADI Sorocaba – https://www.fadi.br/portal/

Sergipe (SE)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Tocantins (TO)

AND EITHER – https://enem.inep.gov.br/ 

Photo of author
Isa Fernandes
Passionate about technology and the world of apps. I like to write about the best news on the market and its trends.

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