These unanswered questions are for you to de-stress after studying, have a little laugh and have fun while studying.
We all want to know about many things and that's why we keep asking ourselves questions and asking questions to other people, about this and that and, you can be sure that for this type of question we and not even you will have the answer we dreamed of, but after all, What are the 100 unanswered questions?
The questions we want to know are sometimes so silly, but if we stop to think about them they have some basis, like, “why are black Halls white?” I don't even know, but when this question came to my mind, I started to reflect on it and I didn't even reach a conclusion on this question, or on any other question we're going to ask here.

See the list of 100 stupid and funny unanswered questions
- Why is burping considered disgusting and sneezing not?
- Could the fart be a sneeze that didn't come out of the mouth?
- Why does the sun only shine during the day?
- Is it possible to wear something more than just clothes?
- Why is the pizza box square if the pizza is round?
- Does the word dictionary exist in the dictionary?
- Do vampires get AIDS?
- If I steal a pen from a bank, does that mean I'm a bank robber?
- Why can magicians make everything disappear except the air?
- Why do we only sleep when we are asleep?
- Do we wake up when we are awake?
- Is what we think is a dream a reality?
- Is it possible to sentence a homeless person to house arrest?
- If feathers tickle us, do they also tickle birds?
- If we are clean after a shower, why do we wash the towel after using it?
- Did the person who placed the slippery floor sign slip and that's why they put the sign there?
- Why are black Halls white?
- How did Tarzan shave?
- If love is blind, how does love at first sight exist?
- What is the opposite of the word opposite?
- Why practice until perfection if no one is perfect?
- Why do we call pee pee?
- Why do we call it black light if black light is purple?
- What came first, the orange color or the fruit?
- Which came first the chicken or the egg?
- What came first, the color pumpkin or the pumpkin?
- If mothers are all the same, why do we only call our mother mother?
- If we came from monkeys, why do they still exist?
- Why are there cars that run a lot if the maximum speed in cities is 120?
- What name do you give a male ladybug? Joanne?
- How does Santa Claus get into a house without a chimney?
- If a cow laughed a lot, would milk come out of its nose?
- Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?
- If there is invisible ink, how do you know if it has run out?
- If a turtle loses its shell, is it homeless or naked?
- If a chronic liar said he was a chronic liar, would you believe him?
- Why haven't people who see the future won the lottery yet?
- If someone in synchronized swimming drowns, should others do the same?
- If you “TAKE” a shower, where does it go?
- If the body is 75% water, when we are drinking water are we drinking ourselves?
- What color does a chameleon look in front of the mirror?
- If we know the speed of light, what will be the speed of dark?
- What should you do when you see an endangered animal going to eat another endangered animal?
- What is the synonym of synonym?
- If people lose weight, where did they lose it?
- What do you use to tow the trailer?
- Why did kamikazes wear helmets?
- Why do flammable and flammable mean the same thing?
- Why is a plane's black box red?
- If the black box is the only thing left from a plane crash, why don't they make the plane out of the same material as the black box?
- In the movie theater, what is the armrest of our seat?
- How do you handcuff someone who only has one arm?
- If a photo is worth a thousand words, how much does it cost?
- If ghosts can walk through walls, why don't they fall through the floor?
- If a doctor had a heart attack during an operation, who would the other doctors take care of first?
- Do Siamese twins pay for two when they go to the movies?
- Why do we always say that we sleep like a baby when we sleep well, if babies are always awake and crying?
- Is there an emergency exit in the prison?
- If we tell children that they shouldn't accept candy from strangers, why does Halloween exist?
- Do we yawn when we sleep?
- What do we do first, wake up or open our eyes?
- Why are there no square donuts?
- If the police knock down your door to get in, am I the one who has to fix it?
- If a queen has Siamese twins, who will be king?
- Is an orange called orange because it is orange?
- If the orange is called orange because it is orange, then why is the carrot called carrot?
- Are there any bald people with dandruff?
- Is it possible to cry underwater?
- When someone owns land, does he own everything from the bottom to the middle of the land?
- Do stutterers even stutter in their thoughts?
- If you aspire to be someone, can you also be a vacuum cleaner?
- Do eyes change color when we die?
- If a word is spelled wrong in the dictionary, how will anyone know?
- If no one buys a ticket to a movie at the cinema, will they still play it on the screen?
- Does the postman deliver his own letters?
- Why don't lawyers have to swear to tell the truth in court?
- If we lick the air, does it get wet?
- Why is there a light in the refrigerator and not in the freezer?
- Whether someone who works at the hospital can miss work by calling in sick?
- If someone who has many personalities threatens to kill themselves, can that be considered a hostage situation?
- Could it be that after amphibians eat they have to wait two hours to get out of the water? (because every time we eat we have to wait two hours to get into the water)
- If the knees were the other way around, what would the chairs be like?
- Why is there scented toilet paper?
- If the world ends and only one person survives, how will they know?
- Why is the blackboard green and the green corn yellow?
- Why is an orange called orange and a lemon not called green?
- Why do we paint the cloud blue and leave the sky white? When in fact the sky is blue and the cloud is white
- Why is Exaltasamba pagode and Zeca Pagodinho samba?
- Why does the photo come out square if the camera is round?
- What are roller coasters called in Russia?
- The more suicidal people there are, the fewer suicidal people there are?
- If a duck loses its leg, does it become lame or widowed?
- Why when someone who says they're going to fly a kite keeps holding it?
- Why is the word big smaller than the word small?
- Why is the word “separate” written together and the word “all together” written separately?
- If we are clean after a shower, why do we wash the towel?
- If you make fish for lunch, will you give me the tail?
- If wine is liquid, how can it be dry?
- How did the “No Walking on Grass” sign get placed there?
- Why did the Flintstones celebrate Christmas if they lived before Christ?
Questions to Ask Friends
Have you ever thought about asking your friends some questions? So here are the best questions you can ask your friend today and get to know them even better than you already do.
- If you were rich, what's the first expensive food you'd want to try?
- Single, married, in a relationship, dating or hooking up?
- What comes first for you?
- What do you most like to do?
- Honestly, do you think money is more important than love?
- If you could go back in time and change any fact, what would it be?
- If you had a girl daughter, what would she name her? and a boy?
- An error?
- Which place would you like to visit?
- What was the last thing you ate?
- What do you expect from the future?
- What do you do with someone who lied to you?
- What are you most proud of in life?
- What irritates you most: internet down, mandatory election hours, telemarketing, bank queues or traffic?
- What once enchanted you and today no longer enchants you?
- What's the strangest thing you've ever done in your life?
- What is the best color?
- What is the best type of pen? Big or compact?
- What was the last film you went to see at the cinema?
- What's the biggest thing you've ever experienced?
- What's the biggest scare you've ever had in your life?
- What type of music do I like most?
- If you had to give up one of your favorite foods, what would be the hardest?
- If you went back to the past, would you correct your mistakes, or would you relive everything again?
- Will pushing the elevator button more than once make it arrive faster?
- Does your past condemn you?
- Has your mother ever come to wake you up in the morning and you pretended to be dead?
- Do you have any trauma from when you were a child?
- An object that gives you great luck?
- A word that defines your gift?
- One person for life?
- A situation you would never want to live in?
- Do you think that behind every dark cloud there is the sun that will shine?
- Do you know that small indestructible black box that is used on the plane? Why can't they make the entire plane out of the same substance?
- Do you think you are a clumsy person?
Interesting questions to spark conversation
Sometimes we want to start a conversation with someone, but we don't know how we can start that conversation, with that in mind, we have put at your disposal some questions that you can ask to start a conversation with that person you like.
- What do you have in common with your childhood self?
- If you had your own TV show, what would it be about?
- If you had an extra hour every day, how would you spend it?
- If you could master one skill that you don't have now, what would it be?
- What advice would you give your childhood self?
- Would you rather lose all your old memories or never get new ones?
- If you could swap lives with one of your friends, who would it be?
- What stands in the way between you and happiness?
Questions for Crush
Do you want to ask your crush some questions and don't know how or where to start? Keep calm and see what questions you can ask your crush now.
- How can you be single?
- How did you get to be so cute?
- Do you think about me when we're not together?
- Have I seen you here before?
- Do you have a girlfriend?
- Do you prefer a hot chat on WhatsApp, or something more personal?
- What is your opinion regarding a woman who declares herself?
- Have you ever become shy around me?
- Do I make you nervous?
- What excites you?
- What distracts you?
- Are you attracted to me?
- You know you make me smile when I think of you?
- Are you a shy guy?
- What is your favorite position?
Questions to ask Siri
If you have an iPhone and want to ask Siri questions and don't know which question to ask, we've put together the best questions for you.
If you don't know, Siri is part of the iOS system and it answers questions for you just like Google itself does when you want to know about the time and the dollar, for example, but Siri is much more advanced.
To ask Siri questions, you must say the following phrase “Hey Siri” and then ask the question.
- Tell me a bit about yourself
- What are you made of?
- Who is Siri?
- What you are?
- Where are you?
- Where do you live?
- How are you?
- What are you wearing?
- Do you want to marry me?
- How old are you?
- Where are you from?
- What is your mother's name?
- Why did Apple make you?
- Do you have any pets?
- Are you human?
- Are you alive?
- You are smart?
- Are you naked?
- What is your problem?
- When is your birthday?
- Who made you?What's new?
- How's it going?
- You are male or female?
- Who is your father?
- How much do you cost?
- What's your weight?
- Are you a virgin?
- You can sing?
- What is your religion?
- You sleep?
- Where do you live?
- What is the best phone?
- What is the best computer?
- What is the best web browser?
- What's your favorite movie?
- What's your favorite drink?
- What's your favorite color?
- What is your favorite animal
- Who is your favorite person?
- Who is your least favorite person?
- Who is the best assistant?
- Do you like chocolate?
- What is the meaning of life?
- Is there a god?
- Where do babies come from?
- What is the secret of the universe?
- Why am I here?
- When will the world end?
- You must follow a diet
- You're annoying
- Shut up
- I hate you
- You're stupid?
- You're an idiot
- You are a loser
- Get a job
- Get a life
- Screw it
- Take me to your leader
- Tell me a history
- Can I have some money?
- Do you want to go on a birthday?
- Do you want to make out?
- Talk nonsense to me
- Do you want to marry me?
- Can you be my driver?
- Take a picture
- Tell me something good
- Make me a sandwich
- Play some good music
- Find me some prostitutes
- Testing 1 2 3
- Test Test
- Essay Testing Tests
- What will you do later?
- He guesses?
- Who is Eliza?
- There's, there's, there's, there's...
- What the Fox says?
- How many sticks can you make a ship with?
- You love me?