Summary about the Independence of the United States of America
The command system known as absolute monarchy began to fail in the 18th century. Philosophers, political activists and artists began to combat divine theories, which supported the power of kings and queens. The rise of the bourgeoisie developed another social style, in which the new holders of capital wanted access to power and command of economic government.
In the territory of the Thirteen English Colonies, lands that belonged to England, there was the first demonstration against the monarchy and in favor of the bourgeoisie. In these colonies there was a change in the political, social and intellectual lifestyle.
England's behavior towards its colonists was called salutary negligence. It was a certain freedom that allowed that society a certain style of autonomy.
The southern economy was based on plantations for export and promoted with slave labor. The north was economically supported by small farms and commercial activities.
The Thirteen British Colonies headed towards their own development and freedom due to England's great involvement in the wars of the 18th century. After investing all the financial reserves in combat, England wanted to recover the resources by further exploring the colony.
History of United States Independence

In this sense, the Sugar Law was enacted in 1764, which imposed a tax on sugar shipments that were not in the domain of the British colonies. The colonists realized that their economic autonomy was at risk.
In 1765, the Stamp Law was enacted, which ordered the purchase of a stamp to be attached to all documents processed in the colony. The Tea Act was put into effect in 1773, and limited tea consumption to ships from England only.
In this way, there was a social demonstration against the demands and restrictions promoted by the metropolis. Theories against monarchy, promoted by John Locke and Thomas Paine, served as the basis for the opposing foundations.
The revolt with the Tea Law, known as the Boston Tea Party, took place in December 1773. In return, to measure power, England sealed the port of Boston and imposed the Intolerable Laws.
In 1774, colonists organized the First Philadelphia Congress. From the meeting, a written manifesto was made against England's impositions.
In 1776, the second congress determined that the path was to declare independence from England. Then there was the War of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies.
The colonists were supported by France, this made victory possible and the process of independence from the United States was accepted in 1783.
The first Constitution of the United States was made in 1787.