Who are the Angels?
They are understood as entities superior to Humanity and inferior to God, who act as subordinates of the Creator. Seen as celestial beings capable of intervening in human life, by Judeo-Christian religions.Angels, comes from the Latin expression angelu and the Greek angelos, which means messenger. Although they are not physical beings, they are symbolized as beautiful creatures of light, as they are made up of energy and are sometimes visualized as children, as they are similar in innocence and moral values.
How are Angels represented?
Often represented with white wings and a halo over the head. Theologians claim that they induce man, mainly in the material and elemental sphere, the latter represented by spirits that inhabit nature. They also believe that they interfere in human life, with the aim of guiding humanity towards evolution, but it is not possible to specify the number of these creatures.
Localizada no Oriente Médio, há mais de 4000 a.C, ocorre a descrição remota de um anjo. Histórias como estas estão presentes no Antigo Testamento na Bíblia. No Novo Testamento aparecem como o Anjo Gabriel, anunciando a Maria o nascimento de Jesus. No catolicismo é transformado como dogma, sustentado a partir de que Deus teria gerado homens e os anjos.

Several scholars believe in angelic hierarchical categories. Between the 4th and 5th centuries, in the work De Coelesti Hierarchia, the first classification system for angels was created. Others before him addressed such as Saint Clement, Saint Ambrose and Saint Jerome.
Depending on the author, the angelic categories undergo some variations, however, in general, they include angels, archangels (superior to angels), seraphim, cherubim, dominations, virtues, thrones, principalities and powers. In Catholicism there are nine choirs or hierarchical degrees. The best-known archangels are: Saint Michael (Who is like God); Saint Raphael (God Heals) and Saint Gabriel. He still cultivates belief in Guardian Angels, protectors who accompany each individual at birth.
Angels would be beings with intellectual powers superior to that of Man, which allow them to predict events, as they dominate the knowledge of Natural Laws: gravity, density, among others. They would be the closest beings to man.
In which religions are Angels present?
They are present in the most diverse religions. Mystical Christianity and Kabbalah believe that angels are Enlightened Spirits (higher evolution than that of Man and less advanced than that of Archangels). Spiritists believe that angels are disembodied spirits that interact with the living, as messengers of God, and bring with them communications and teachings from the spiritual plane. Other Judeo-Christian religions believe in a similar concept of these creatures.