What is a Nuclear Weapon
The concept of nuclear weapons is simple: they are destruction equipment made with radioactive components, equipped with chemical elements that project radiation particles. These weapons are extremely powerful because they concentrate a large amount of energy in small spaces.

“Kiloton” and “megaton” are the units used to measure the amount of energy of these weapons. As nuclear weapons, there are the atomic bomb or the hydrogen bomb.
The atomic bomb is formed by the rupture of the nuclei of heavy and unstable atoms. An example of this is uranium-235. To break these nuclei, atomic particles called neutrons must be thrown against them.
The hydrogen bomb is formed by the union of light atom nuclei. Fusion only occurs when there is an immense amount of energy, when the bomb explodes.

This bomb can be considered more dangerous, as the neutron bomb increases radiation by containing fast and lethal neutrons. Nuclear bombs are dropped on the target by planes. When the launch is done on the ground, launchers such as ICBM and IRBM are used and the bomb is made in the form of missiles.
The atomic bombs dropped by the USA on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II are the only ones that marked the history of humanity. Such was the destruction and cowardice that world diplomacy tried to control the manufacture and maintenance of nuclear weapons.

In this sense, the five nuclear world powers – USA, Russia, United Kingdom, France and China – signed the “Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons” in 1968. Even so, Iran, Libya and North Korea, which are also committed to the treaty, are suspected of producing nuclear weapons and putting humanity at risk.