Asexuality – Sexuality


Asexuality actually consists of a sexual orientation characterized by the absence of sexual desire for all genders and, for some asexual individuals, there is also a lack of romantic attraction.

Asexuality has nothing to do with celibacy. In this case, individuals who choose celibacy do so because of some personal or religious belief, abstaining from any sexual relationship or physical contact in favor of their ideal. Unlike asexuals.


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Many people believe that asexuality is a legitimate sexual orientation, and not a pathology, other individuals believe that it is a disorder of sexual hypoactivity, or even sexual aversion. There are those who say that this condition may be the result of sexual abuse or sexual repression in the past, hormonal dysfunctions, or even late development of attraction, or the simple fact of not having found the right person.


For the vast majority of the population, sexual excitement is a regular occurrence, that is, with a certain frequency, although it is not always linked to the desire to find a sexual partner. It is known that some asexual individuals masturbate occasionally but have no desire to have a sexual partner.

For asexual individuals, the fact that they do not have a sexual partner does not represent a cause for distress, as they do not feel the desire to have a partner, and do not see this situation as an emotional or pathological disorder.

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Isa Fernandes
Passionate about technology and the world of apps. I like to write about the best news on the market and its trends.

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