Who were the Aztecs
The Aztecs were an evolved people from pre-Columbian America. These people were originally from the United States. Nomads, they traveled through various regions until settling in Tenochtetlán, today known as Mexico City. Developed and intelligent, they managed to build and establish the Aztec Empire.
Montezuma was the Aztec emperor who ruled over all regions. To keep imperial territory in control, he organized a powerful army. The language at that time was called Nahuatl. These Indians were stocky and dark-skinned.

The Aztec Empire was ruled by monarchy. Everyone from the select group of nobles called the Royal House could be chosen by the Imperial Council to replace or acquire a command role.
The position of Emperor was hereditary and considered a gift from God. The emperor should watch over his people, in addition to holding celebrations to thank the Gods.
The social scheme was interesting and reasonably free, as even the poor achieved advanced military ranks. Some reached the competitive position of Priest.
The Aztec social classes were made up of nobles, soldiers, merchants and workers (slaves or servants).
Aztec architecture attracted a lot of attention due to the level of development achieved at that time. They built great temples, pyramids full of stairs, stone arches and paved streets.
Agriculture was based on cocoa, cotton, tobacco and cassava. They also developed innovative technology for this area. To irrigate the soil and improve production, they implemented a system made up of aqueducts and canals through which boats passed.
The Aztecs had very efficient astronomical knowledge, enough to create a calendar based on the 365-day solar year.
In religion, the Aztecs were polytheists and worshiped the gods. In these rituals to honor the gods, a prisoner warrior was sacrificed once a year.
Even using complicated and incomprehensible writing codes today, the Aztecs left books for humanity. These materials are spread throughout cultural centers in Mexico.