
Many cities have landfills. This happens because garbage and solid waste produced in our homes, work, school or elsewhere need a correct place to be disposed of, otherwise they pollute the environment.

What is a landfill?

A landfill is characterized as a place where garbage and solid waste are deposited in the open, with alternating layers of garbage and earth, which prevent the proliferation of animals and bad odors, with appropriate treatment facilities, such as waterproofing the land, restricted access of people, control of the quantity and type of waste that is being deposited there.

A good landfill also has an effluent treatment system, waterproofing blankets and the use of released gases, which can be used as fuel, also bringing financial benefits.

Where are sanitary landfills located?

They are located in places far from the city, due to the bad smell and possible contamination that can occur in the soil, including infiltration of the liquid that is generated by the large amount of toxic waste, called leachate or percolate. That is why there are standards that regulate its implementation.

Many people survive and make a living from garbage, but depending on the location and the way it is exploited, it can cause various illnesses. This is why environmental control is important. Unfortunately, the majority of the population is not concerned with the amount of disposable materials such as plastic bags, metals, electronics, wood, glass, as well as food and other materials, considered useless, undesirable and/or disposable.

Recycling in Landfill

The use of recycling is still the subject of discussions and lengthy implementations, as there is still not much interest or resources for this to happen.

Recycling provides that materials that do not go to waste become raw materials to produce another product or material, thus reducing the use of natural sources. Furthermore, there needs to be selective collection (garbage separation). Example: aluminum can. In addition to recycling, there are also other environmentally viable ways, such as composting, reuse and waste reduction.

What is composting?

In composting, there is a set of techniques used, made from food waste, where man controls the decomposition of organic materials with the aim of obtaining, in a short time, a stable composite material: humus or material rich in nutrients. An example is fertilizer, which from an agronomic point of view is quite efficient, as it increases the presence of fungicides and water retention in the soil.

Reuse is based on the principle of using something new, whether or not giving function to objects considered useless, such as long-life milk cartons, transformed into decorated gift boxes.

Reduction already concerns reducing the amount of waste produced, through conscious consumption, such as buying something that will actually be used and also purchasing material objects and food without exaggeration, so that there is no waste.

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Isa Fernandes
Passionate about technology and the world of apps. I like to write about the best news on the market and its trends.

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