The Atlantic Forest occupied 15% of the national territory, from the coast of Rio Grande do Norte to the coast of Santa Catarina. However, today it is reduced to 7% of its original area.

Everything about the Atlantic Forest, species of animals and vegetation
The Atlantic Forest is home to a significant number of animal and plant species, despite the great devastation, containing more than 6 thousand species of endemic plants (orchids and bryophytes), 160 species of mammals and 253 species of amphibians identified and catalogued. It was the most explored ecosystem since colonial times and that is why many Brazilian animals are threatened with extinction.
What is the vegetation of the Atlantic Forest made of?
Sua vegetação é formada por árvores com estatura média de 35m e densidade arbustiva, como o jequitibá-rosa, cedro, figueira, ipê e o pau-brasil. Folhas largas e persistentes / duradoura, típicas de florestas tropicais.
It is an ecosystem with a tropical, hot and humid climate. As it has a relief of plateaus and mountains that prevent the passage of air masses, it causes constant rain in the coastal region.