What is Baptism?
It is a ritual considered to be an initiation into the Christian life. Present in Christianity, it represents the portal through which the spirit makes its way towards God and the other sacraments.
Through it, man is freed from sin and finds the path of regeneration, to which he accepts Christ, through the act of immersion in water. Immersion in water is considered a purifying element, the person can be sprinkled with it, or immersed, in addition to having the water poured over their head by the person responsible for the ceremony. Afterwards, she is considered baptized.

John the Baptist is the figure who appears performing the first ritual, despite being considered the herald of the coming of Jesus (the Messiah). However, he prepared the way so that when the true Christ came, everyone could be baptized with the Holy Spirit, according to the Church.
What is the meaning of Baptism?
Baptism is considered a sacrament, meaning that whoever receives it is immediately blessed. Catholic theology believes that it not only allows the person to be inserted into the body of Christ, but it is also a means
of redemption.
What are the religions in which Baptism is present?
It is present in several religions: Catholicism, Protestant Churches, Evangelicals, Unicists, Mormons, Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses and Baptists. In some it is seen as a law, losing its connection with religious issues.
What is the element used in Baptism?
Water, considered an element that generates life for many centuries, is therefore associated with birth and death, followed by rebirth. Baptism also represents this double aspect.
We beat according to Lutheranism
O Luteranismo acredita que, o batismo é o primeiro passo na caminhada da humanidade. Portanto, buscar renovação espiritual é um processo contínuo. Lutero acreditava que todos os dias o homem fizesse seu batismo simbólico, sua reforma interior, buscando a transformação do seu ser, frente a questões da humanidade.