Breast cancer is a degenerative disease. When left untreated, it can lead to death, as there is the possibility of spreading to other areas of the body.
When cancer is discovered and treated early, at the beginning of the lesion, there is a high chance of a cure.

Check out some symptoms of breast cancer: Breast harder than normal; Presence of a groove in the breast, as if a part of the breast had sunk in; Small wounds on the skin; Redness or burning in the breast; Exit of an unknown liquid from the nipple; Sort of “little holes” in the skin of the breast; Some protuberance in the breast; Easily observed and growing vein; Sinking of the nipple; Asymmetry between the two breasts, such as, for example, one larger than the other; Breast skin thicker than normal, with an orange peel appearance; Lump in the breast or small internal lump, palpable and painful.
If you notice any of the above changes in your breast, you should consult a breast specialist.
Having one or another of these symptoms does not necessarily mean breast cancer, but when there is any change in the breast, you should go to the doctor to investigate the cause. Often, it can just be a benign lump or inflammation of the breast tissue. However, a consultation is important so that appropriate treatment can be used.