Advancement of the Commercial Economy – Capitalism

Commercial capitalism appeared in the Modern Age. The concept is directly linked to economic growth and crises that occurred between the 15th and 20th centuries.
The formation of the bourgeoisie with economic and commercial advancement, the development of cities, the growth of agricultural activity and a financial system of exchange currencies formed the first draft of commercial capitalism.
European bourgeoisie were already rich in the 15th century due to commercial activities in Africa and Asia. Capital was accumulated mainly through the exploration of gold and silver.
With commercial promotion, it was necessary to increase artisanal products. Production on an increased scale then began to emerge, when rich artisans bought workshops from poorer artisans. Thus began the relationship between employee and boss.
The accumulation of capital obtained through profit from trade or other economic activity came to be called commercial capitalism. The economy followed the mercantilist rhythm driven by great navigation and discoveries of new lands for the colonization and exploration of the conquered territory.
In commercial capitalism, a rich nation was considered to be the one with the greatest amount of gold and silver, a practice called metalism. The main metalist countries were Spain, the United Kingdom and Portugal.
The metropolis and colony model definitively fixed the model of commercial capitalism, due to the colonial obligation to serve its commanding nation in gold, silver and any other material that yielded a market return.
Commercial Capitalism Today
Today the model remains through relations of purchase and sale of products between nations, with commercial agreements, demand and supply and financial control promoted by the State to avoid economic crises.
O alicerce de toda atividade comercial dos dias de hoje, envolvem um aparato tecnológico e industrial para que a demanda de compra e venda de produtos e insumos seja suficiente, as empresas necessitam de plataforma articulada, maquinários ente outros equipamentos para que consigam se adequar a demanda de consumo da população.