Cirrhosis is a disease associated with excessive alcohol consumption and some diseases. It is the formation of nodules and fibrosis in the liver.
Liver cells are destroyed and the organ's functions are compromised or even paralyzed.
Risk factors
The main risk factors are: excessive alcohol consumption, alcoholism and hepatitis infection, mainly hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, as well as the consumption of some types of medication.
In the initial stage of the disease, cirrhosis shows no signs. The diagnosis is made through laboratory tests and clinical evaluation by a specialist.
Some symptoms are: Unexplained tiredness or ruptured blood vessels, which indicate an advanced stage of the disease. Exaggerated swelling, especially in the abdomen, and yellowing of the eyes and skin should also be analyzed.

The diagnosis generally consists of a medical evaluation, laboratory tests and imaging tests, such as ultrasound. In some cases, a biopsy of liver cells is performed to evaluate the development of possible cancer.
Treatment consists of measures to prevent the disease from progressing. A cure is only possible through liver transplantation.
The recommended diet during treatment is to avoid excess salt, fried foods and red meat. The consumption of alcohol is completely prohibited and meals must always be eaten in small portions, divided throughout the day.