The perception of colors


The perception of colors in people's lives

Color is perceived through cones present in our vision.
In the human eye there are about 6 million cones. Their absence or deficiency can cause so-called color blindness.
In the brain, color is represented through a perception, which stimulates it to differentiate one color from another. The brain acts as a kind of corrector for the colors of objects.
A survey carried out by a laboratory specializing in colors, pointed out that most people judge a person, environment or object by color. Subconsciously, the emotional associates color with certain situations. Some examples:

  • Red; danger, hot, exciting, sex;
  • Blue; masculine, cold, calm, stable;
  • White; pure, honest, cold;
  • Fried pastry; feminine, sensitive, delicate;
  • Orange; emotion, positive;
  • Black; death, power, authority, seriousness;
  • Pink; feminine, hot, fiery;
  • Green; nature, comfort, hope, money;
  • Yellow; sun, heat, calm, tranquility.
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Isa Fernandes
Passionate about technology and the world of apps. I like to write about the best news on the market and its trends.

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