How to make a bibliography in the correct way?
To create a bibliography you must to understand first what is bibliography, knowing first what it is, you will be able to create the bibliography you need, in the best way possible.
What is bibliography?
The bibliography is the source in Where did you get the information you are putting in your text, it is very simple to create a bibliography, let's give an example so you can better understand how it works and how you should do it.
Bibliography of a website
There are different types of bibliography, if you take information from a website, you put the copied excerpt in quotation marks and the website link in quotation marks. parentheses, next to the name of the site and the theme, as in the example below.
"Bibliography is the source from which certain information is taken that is specialized in researching printed texts or multigraphed to indicate, describe and classify them for the purpose of establishing (search) tools and organizing appropriate services to facilitate intellectual work. Bibliography can be further distinguished between “descriptive” (or “analytical”) and “enumerative”.
The bibliography active is the set of works written by a certain author, while passive bibliography designates the set of works that focus on a specific author.
In a more restricted sense, bibliography can refer to the product of the activity described above, that is, a structured list of references to books or others documents, namely articles in peri
Bibliography of complete work
Surname in all capital letters, first name only with capital letters.
Title of the book in Italic. If there is a subtitle, write it in normal font preceded by a colon (:).
Place of publication: name of the publisher, followed by the year of publication.
RUIZ, João Álvaro. Scientific methodology: guide for efficiency in studies. 3 ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1991.
Bibliography of serial publications
The essential elements are: Title of the publication, title of the part (if any), place of publication, publisher, year and/or volume numbering, issue numbering, information on periods and dates of publication and the particularities that identify the part.
ECONOMIC CONJUNCTURE. The 500 largest companies in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: FGV, v. 38, no. 9, set. 1984. 135 P . Special edition.
Document bibliographyofficial ments
Essential elements: jurisdiction or entity heading (if dealing with standards), title, numbering and date. If necessary, add notes regarding other data at the end.
BRAZIL. Constitution ( 1988 ). Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Brasília, DF, Senate, 1988.
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