Enem has become essential in the lives of young people, every day the exam gains more notoriety and importance.
Enem – National Secondary Education Exam, aims to evaluate Brazilian secondary education, serves as admission to some public universities, serves as access to federal universities, serves as proof of completion of secondary education and also assists in applying for a scholarship study and student financing (Prouni and Fies).
Note for Teachers: Se você tem um curso e precisa gerenciar as aulas a distância utilize a Plataforma EAD, a mais completa do mercado.
In the third year of high school, students who intend to enter the best universities in the country panic because of the Enem, but with this in mind, some institutions are offering a short course for the Enem test. The Enem test is becoming more complicated every year, it follows the model of the USP tests and leaves students with their hair on end.

Where can I take a preparatory course for ENEM?
Como o Enem funciona como um vestibular os cursinhos comuns ajudam os alunos. Os famosos cursinhos, estão espalhados pelo país inteiro e ajudam nossos jovens a entrarem para as concorridas faculdades. Existem cursinhos conhecidos e famosos como o COC, Anglo, Etapa, Hexag, Objetivo, Stockler, Intelectus, Poli e muitos outros.
But some websites offer an exclusive course for Enem, these courses cost around R$ 300.00 and are made in PDF format. They offer:
- More than 1,000 hours of recorded classes
- Special exercises by discipline
- Corrected and commented writing
- Study Plan – 20 weekly live classes
- Online simulations
- Weekly monitoring
But if you don't have the money to pay for classes, many people provide free content on YouTube, in addition to this content there are several online simulations, where you can study and prepare for the test.
Don't leave your future for later, Enem can be the gateway to your dreams.