Heroine Story
Heroin is a synthetic drug, derived from the poppy, made from morphine: a substance used in the 19th century as an analgesic and anti-diarrheal. It acts on specific brain receptors, causing slower functioning of the nervous and respiratory systems.
Its commercialization was banned in the 1920s, due to studies on addiction. However, it is in Southeast Asia and Europe that this substance is produced and distributed throughout the world illegally.
In its pure form, it appears as a white powder and is used as an injection, after heating. Some users inhale or inhale it, with its effects felt on average for five hours. Causes sensations of well-being, euphoria and pleasure; increased self-esteem and decreased discouragement, pain and anxiety.
Heroin addiction, see what it causes in its users
The user quickly becomes dependent, due to the so-called drug tolerance level, where he always seeks the same initial sensation. The sensations caused by withdrawal appear twenty-four hours after its use, causing diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, panic, insomnia, restlessness and tachycardia.
The ways to obtain the drug become the focus of the user's life, bringing major consequences to their health and social life. The consequences include: constant vomiting, diarrhea and severe abdominal pain, weight loss, depression, miscarriages, deafness, delirium, heart failure, inability to concentrate, depression of the respiratory cycle, collapse of blood vessels, in the medium term.
How is Heroin consumed?
Forms of consumption, such as injection, can lead to tissue necrosis and the risk of acquiring various diseases, such as AIDS, hepatitis and pneumonia, due to the use of shared syringes. Most cases of heroin addiction end in death from overdose, as a result of respiratory arrest resulting from prolonged use of the drug or use in conjunction with other drugs.