Encceja 2019

Encceja 2019 – Notice, Registration, Test Date, Result [Inep]

Encceja (National exam for certification of skills for young people and adults), this exam began in 2002 with the aim of testing the knowledge of young people and adults who did not complete primary or secondary education at the appropriate age, in order to obtain the certificate of completion of secondary and elementary education based on the assessment of the candidate's knowledge.

Encceja 2019 promises to be much bigger than the previous year's Encceja, which had more than 1.6 million registrants. If you haven't yet finished elementary school or even high school and need a diploma, the time is now , you must participate in the Encceja 2019, see below what you must do to participate and prepare for this test. Remembering that Encceja is completely free, just like program educates more.

Encceja 2019 notice opening date

The opening dates for the Encceja 2019 notices have not yet been defined, but they will most likely occur on the same dates as in previous years.

  • National Encceja Notice – March 13, 2019
  • Notice Encceja Exterior regular and PPL – May 25, 2019
  • Notice Encceja Nacional PPL – June 8, 2019

How to register for Encceja 2019?

Registration must be made on the Encceja Nacional page and must begin on April 16th and run until April 27th, as in Encceja 2018, to register with Encceja you will need your CPF, ID and an email. valid mail, remember to save all the data or even print your registration confirmation card as in the example below.

Test date

Approved Encceja 2019 should take place in August, as in previous years, in the Encceja 2018, for example, the test took place on 08/05/2018.

Minimum grade/score required

Minimum elementary school grade: To obtain Elementary Education certification, the participant must achieve at least level 100 (one hundred) in each of the objective tests of the Exam. The Writing test will be applied together with Portuguese Language. To obtain a classification in the Writing test, the participant must obtain a score equal to or greater than (five) points.

Minimum high school grade: To obtain High School certification, the participant must achieve, in each of the objective tests of the Exam, at least level 100 (one hundred). The Writing test will be applied together with the Languages, Codes and their technologies test. To obtain proficiency in the Writing test, the participant must obtain a score equal to or greater than 5.0 (five) points.

Test subject – What will fall?

Subject test Elementary Education

You are the one who is going to take the test to obtain your primary education certificate, the subjects that you should have better knowledge of are those below, the books that you can use to study, you will find in the link we have given you above, there you will find specific books for the elementary level.

  • Natural Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education and Writing
  • History and geography

High School Exam Subject

If you are going to take the Encceja 2019 test to obtain your secondary level certificate, the subjects relevant to your test are below and the books to study can be found in the link above, the book will be identified as “High School Student Book”, check the encceja booklet 2019 and study to pass the exam.

  • Natural Sciences and their Technologies (Chemistry, Physics and Biology)
  • Mathematics and its Technologies
  • Languages and Codes and their Technologies and Writing (Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts and Physical Education)
  • Human Sciences and their Technologies (History, Geography, Philosophy and Sociology)

Encceja 2019 Result – When will the results come out?

To access your results, it is very simple, you must access this link: http://sistemasencceja2.inep.gov.br/enccejaResultado/ and enter the requested data on the website and then you will have the results of your test, you will only need your CPF.

See what Encceja did in 2018 at this link: https://www.encceja2018.pro.br/.

Encceja 2019 Answer Key

The Encceja test answer sheet is published along with the results of your test.

Participant Page – Encceja

The Encceja 2019 participant page is the channel that candidates for a primary and secondary education diploma have with Inep. To access the participant page, just enter this link, and enter your CPF and Password. On this website you can find the following information:

  • Password/Email/Registered Cell Phone Recovery
  • Test Location
  • Information about the Encceja Certificate
Encceja 2019

Password/Email/Registered Cell Phone Recovery

To recover your lost password, just access the link "I forgot my password", on the next page click on the link “Send new password by email”.

To recover the lost email, enter your CPF, answer the challenge and click on the link “I don't have access to this email”, on the next page confirm that the cell phone number is correct, answer the challenge once again and click on link “Send new password by SMS”.

Now, if you are forgetful and don't remember your password, email and registered cell phone, do as in the following illustration:

Personal Data Recovery Tutorial

Test Location

Encceja 2019 is administered by Inep in August, but the locations where the tests will be held are known at the end of July with all the necessary information in the Registration Confirmation Card which can be accessed when released on the participant's page.

Information about the Encceja Certificate

When registering, the candidate must choose a secretariat unit to request the certificate of completion of primary and secondary education. To request the certificate, if approved, it is simple, just go to a unit of the education secretariat in your municipality with your Encceja 2019 registration card and request the certificate.

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Isa Fernandes
Passionate about technology and the world of apps. I like to write about the best news on the market and its trends.

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