The term statistics arose from the Latin statisticum collegium (lecture on the affairs of the State), from which the Italian word statista (stateman, or politician) and the German word Statistik (analysis of data about the State) emerged.
It is the science that uses probabilistic theories to explain the frequency of occurrence of events, both in observational studies, modeling experiments, randomness and uncertainty of form, in a way that stimulates or enables the prediction of future phenomena, depending on the application.

The objective of statistics is to produce the best possible information from the available data. Some authors suggest that it is a branch of decision theory.
It is considered a different discipline from mathematics, due to its focus on applications. Dedicated to data collection, analysis and interpretation. It is concerned with the methods of collecting, organizing, summarizing, presenting and interpreting data. Draw conclusions about the characteristics of the sources from which the data was taken, to have a better understanding of the situations.
Other sciences use applied statistics, which end up having specialized terminology. Examples: biostatistics and geostatistics.
It has become a key tool in business and industrialization as a whole.