Academic Google


Google Scholar – What is, how to use, advanced search

Google Scholar is a specific tool that helps you search for academic literature, ideal for school, college, etc. work. With this Google Scholar tool, it is easier to find scientific articles, master's or doctoral theses, books, abstracts, pre-publication libraries and material produced by professional and academic organizations.

What is Google Scholar?

Google Scholar is a specific tool that helps you search for academic literature. It was launched in November 2004 and started offering searches in Portuguese on January 10, 2006.


Academic Google

This service is completely free, you can do all the searches you want without paying anything for it, but in some cases it is only possible to download if you are logged in to a Google account.

If you don't have a Google account, just create one to be able to use Google Scholar to its fullest.

How to use Google Scholar?

Se você é uma pessoa que não faz ideia de como usar o Google Acadêmico, fique tranquilo, você vai usar ele da mesma forma com que você usa o Google para fazer suas procuras do dia a dia, mas para usar a versão do Google Acadêmico, você deve acessar esse link:


When you access the Google Scholar link, you will come across the same Google search screen, the difference is discretion. "academic" right below the Google brand.

When searching for the desired subject, you should use it normally, there is no difference in the search between the versions.

How to search through Google Scholar?

To do your search other than through the advanced search, you can start doing this search using 3 means “Author, Title and Keyword”, these are the most effective ways for you to find what you want. Remembering that you can use 1, 2 or even all 3 means to carry out this search, it is not necessary to use all the means to find what you are looking for.

Don't forget that before carrying out your search, you must select the option “Search pages in Portuguese”, now if your search is for content in other languages, just leave the option “In any Language” selected.

Google Scholar Advanced Search

On Google Scholar you have some filters that help you search for the subject you want, but in addition, you can use the advanced search method. To access the advanced search, just click on the arrow in the search field, which will open the Google Scholar search screen.

In addition to the fields present to find the desired subject, you can delimit the publication period and also places where the research was published, for example.

This way you can find what you are looking for with even more precision, which is why Google Scholar is a fantastic tool for students.

My Google Scholar Library

The “My Library” area of Google Scholar is for you to save the results found according to your searches, facilitating the initial assembly of your work and also serves to gather your publications, another important thing about this area is that you can import articles and works in which you have been cited.

TCC with Google Scholar

Throughout the article we saw the importance of this tool for doing college work such as the TCC “Course Completion Work”, how you can use Google Scholar in the best way, doing more accurate searches and even how to save all your searches using the “My Library” tool, this makes it much easier for you to complete your work.

But don't forget, when you extract information from Google Scholar, it is essential to reference the source in your scientific work. If you are going to use excerpts from other works, I do so following ABNT standards. Each sentence that makes up your work must have its source very clear, otherwise your work may be considered plagiarism.

Top Google Scholar content repository sites

Google Scholar searches for content from different sources and the best sources you can find are:

  • FGV Digital Library
  • Lume UFRGS
  • SciELO Brazil
  • BDJur
  • BDM UnB
  • Seer UFBA Portal
  • Buscalegis UFSC

Why should you use Google Scholar to do your work?

Google Scholar uses the best sources to provide the best results for your searches, using sites such as “FGV Digital Library” and the “SciELO Brasil”.

It is much easier for you to find what you are looking for and speed up your work using the "Advanced search" It is “My Library”.

If you need a complete tool to carry out your research and work with excellent references, Google Scholar is the tool you are looking for.

Biblioteca Digital FGV –

SciELO Brasil –

Our opinion on Google Scholar

Our conclusion was that Google Scholar is without a shadow of a doubt the best academic content search tool that you can use to do your research and school and college work.

Very simple to use and the tools available are extremely useful.

Photo of author
Isa Fernandes
Passionate about technology and the world of apps. I like to write about the best news on the market and its trends.

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