Teenage Pregnancy – Sexuality


Pregnancy, defined as the period from conception to birth of an individual.

In many countries it is seen as synonymous with health, wealth and prosperity. In others, as a problem, for example, China where there is no territorial space to absorb more individuals and that is why there is birth control by the government.


Countries like Brazil, where Family Planning, Sexual Education and Birth Control are emerging issues and, little discussed, pregnancy ends up becoming a social problem, such as teenage pregnancy.

It generally occurs among young people up to 21 years of age, in full development and enjoying this phase of life (adolescence). In Brazil, the numbers are alarming according to more recent research.

Both the boy and the girl end up suffering from early pregnancy, since although the boy does not have the biological conditions to father a child, he ends up suffering involuntarily from the pressure and responsibilities that the situation demands.


With the transformations in the world, in different economic, political and social fields, it ends up favoring the emergence of a generation whose ethical and moral values are eroded. Excess of unsafe information, freedom and the very trivialization of sex accompany the lack of limits and responsibility awakened in young people.

Other factors also contribute to teenage pregnancy, such as the hormones characteristic of this phase.

Although it is a time of school training and preparation for work, adolescence requires more and more care and has drawn society's attention to the issue. Topics such as family disruption also end up entering the analysis of the reasons that lead to early pregnancy.

Methods to avoid this type of problem include contraceptive methods, information about your own body and the future you want.

The lack of access to safe information becomes one of the other reasons that lead to teenage pregnancy.

There are also several myths, such as: cleaning with a vaginal shower after sexual intercourse prevents pregnancy, when the relationship is standing there is no risk or the first time there is no possibility of getting pregnant, coitus interruptus, anal sex, in short, several.

Any possibility of the liquid expelled by the penis during arousal reaching the egg, even without vaginal penetration, can lead to pregnancy. This fact is sometimes ignored by teenagers who believe that anal sex or coitus interruptus provides security for not getting pregnant. Any drop of liquid during sexual intercourse can come into contact with the vagina and, therefore, the sperm present in it can reach the egg. Therefore, there is little care when having a relationship in this way.

Although access to information has been expanded with internet access and television advertisements, it is still worrying that so many myths survive and, therefore, sexual education, guidance and awareness are of utmost importance, as they are means of combating and preventing teenage pregnancy. This is only possible with educational and public health actions. It is not just information that is missing, but means of consulting, asking for help, advice, access to contraceptive methods, which can help to improve the situation.

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Isa Fernandes
Passionate about technology and the world of apps. I like to write about the best news on the market and its trends.

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