The kingdom of Troy existed from 2250 BC until 1250 BC Troy was located in the Hissarlik hill region of Turkey.
The Trojan War happened for economic reasons, historians admit. The Trojan King “Priam” had many treasures, which would have attracted the interest of invaders. But there is an expert version that says that the fight took place due to too many taxes charged by the Trojans in the Negro region, on vessels heading to Greece.
Legend has it that the daughter of Zeus is the most beautiful woman in the universe, called Helena, she was the wife of the King of Sparta called Menelaus. Helen would have fallen in love with the Trojan prince Paris and would have run away from her husband to be the prince's lover. Installed in Troy, Helen aroused Menelaus' hatred.
Menelaus gathered a group to enter Troy and avenge the betrayal. This war would have lasted 10 years and resulted in the death of nobles and important personalities at the time such as Priam, Paris, Ajax, Hector, Achilles, Ulysses and Agamemnon.
During the combat, many vessels were detonated, sometimes even by natural events, which at the time were interpreted as actions of the Gods. Many soldiers would have died, which resulted in a huge reduction in the invading troops.
As the troops were reduced and it was very difficult to enter Troy, the war strategist named Ulysses bet on a different maneuver. Ulysses proposed a gift to the Trojan king. The idea was to give the noble opponent a wooden horse of immense proportions.

Amazed and open to the gesture, the king of Troy agreed to receive the horse as a gift and opened the gates of the kingdom for the object to enter.
When everyone was asleep, enemy soldiers, who were hiding inside the hollow horse, attacked Troy by surprise. They took advantage of the enemies' distraction to open the gates and let the rest of the soldiers enter the kingdom.
In this way the Greeks defeated the Trojans. Helena was recovered by her husband.
This story is part of epic poems attributed to Homer – Iliad and Odyssey. The content was also reproduced in the film called “Troia”.