Young ID

ID Jovem 2.0 – Youth ID for Half Price 2018

Do you want to learn about the ID Jovem project and register? Let's tell you everything you need to know about this document that will give you many benefits that you didn't even imagine you could have and you'll still wonder why you didn't register, let's find out more about ID Jovem?

What is ID Jovem 2.0?

ID Jovem, is the document that allows access to half-price benefits, giving young people greater access to the rights guaranteed by the Youth Statute. This youth identity is made available by the government itself.

Young ID

What are the benefits of ID Jovem 2.0?

The benefits include half-price entry to artistic, cultural and sporting events and also free or discounted places on the interstate public transport system.


With ID Jovem, half-price payment is guaranteed – 50% of the amount charged for admission to the general public – for artistic, cultural and sporting events.


With ID Jovem, half-price payment is guaranteed – 50% of the amount charged for admission to the general public – at artistic, cultural and sporting events


With ID Jovem, half-price payment is guaranteed – 50% of the amount charged for admission to the general public – at artistic, cultural and sporting events


With ID Jovem, half-price payment is guaranteed – 50% of the amount charged for admission to the general public – at artistic, cultural and sporting events


With ID Jovem, half-price payment is guaranteed – 50% of the amount charged for admission to the general public – at artistic, cultural and sporting events


Two free spaces are reserved per trip in each vehicle, railway train or vessel of the conventional interstate passenger transport service.

Travel for free around Brazil with ID Jovem

Do you want to see the whole of Brazil without spending a single penny on your bus ticket? Know that there is a way for you to do this, you just need to have your Youth ID on hand, just pay attention to the requirements to achieve this.

On every bus, it must be available 2 free accents It is 2 seats discounted from 50% and for you to get these free tickets and travel around Brazil, You must book your ticket at least 3 hours before the trip and always present your Youth ID along with your identity card.


If the company does not want to provide seats, you must report it by calling ANTT (National Land Transport Agency) 166.

Who can register for ID Jovem 2.0?

People who can register with ID Jovem are young people aged 15 to 29, with a monthly family income of up to two minimum wages and must have been registered in the Federal Government's Single Registry for at least 2 years or 24 months.

What do I need to register for ID Jovem 2.0?

  1. Be 15 to 29 years old
  2. Family income of up to 2 minimum wages
  3. Be registered for at least 24 months in the Federal Government's Single Registry
  4. Have NIS number (Social Identification Number)

ID Jovem 2.0 – How to register?

For you to register with ID Jovem 2.0 it is very simple, if you fit the profile above of the people who can register, just follow the steps below.

First step – You must access the following link

Second step – Now you must click on “generate Youth ID”.

Third step – You must fill in all the necessary fields.

Fourth step - Click in “generate Youth ID” again.

Your registration is now complete.

Clearing your doubts

What is the Single Registry for Federal Government social programs?
A data collection instrument with the objective of identifying low-income families in the country.

What is the social identification number (NIS)?
Code used to individually identify CadÚnico users

Can those who do not have the NIS issue the Youth ID?
No, only with the NIS is it possible to issue the Youth ID. Anyone who does not have the NIS and meets the rules for registration with CadÚnico must go to CRAS or the City Hall of their city to register.

What is the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS)?
Decentralized state public unit of social assistance policy, responsible for organizing and offering socio-assistance services of the Basic Social Protection of the Unified Social Assistance System in areas of vulnerability and social risk in the municipalities and DF.

Will the young person incur any costs to generate the Youth ID?
No, it is free to issue, both via the app and the website.

Photo of author
Isa Fernandes
Passionate about technology and the world of apps. I like to write about the best news on the market and its trends.

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