Ideb – Íindex of Basic Education Development, everything about Ideb 2018
O Ideb is the Íindex of Development of Basic Education and is very important for the development of education in our country, with the Ideb we can learn more about the development of each school and from Therefore, specific work will be done to improve the levels of education throughout Brazil.
What is the Ideb?
Ideb is the Basic Education Development Index, created in 2007, by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), formulated to measure the quality of national learning and establish goals for improving teaching.
O Ideb funciona como um indicador nacional que possibilita o monitoramento da qualidade da Educação pela população por meio de dados concretos, com o qual a sociedade pode se mobilizar em busca de melhorias.
Para tanto, o Ideb It is calculated based on two components: the academic performance rate (pass rate) and the average performance in exams administered by Inep. Pass rates are obtained from the School Census, carried out annually.
The performance averages used are those of Prova Brasil, for schools and municipalities, and the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb), for states and the country, carried out every two years. The goals established by the Ideb are differentiated for each school and education network, with the sole objective of reaching 6 points by 2022, an average corresponding to the educational system in developed countries.
What is the Ideb?
O Ideb agrega ao enfoque pedagógico dos resultados das avaliações em larga escala do Inep a possibilidade de resultados sintéticos, facilmente assimiláveis, e que permitem traçar metas de qualidade educacional para os sistemas.
O índice varia de zero a 10 e a combinação entre fluxo e aprendizagem tem o mérito de equilibrar as duas dimensões: se um sistema de ensino retiver seus alunos para obter resultados de melhor qualidade no Saeb ou Prova Brasil, o fator fluxo será alterado, indicando a necessidade de melhoria do sistema.
Se, ao contrário, o sistema apressar a aprovação do aluno sem qualidade, o resultado das avaliações indicará igualmente a necessidade de melhoria do sistema.
O Ideb It is also important for being a driver of public policy in favor of the quality of education. It is the tool for monitoring the quality goals of the Education Development Plan (PDE) for basic education, which has established, as a goal, that in 2022 the Ideb in Brazil is 6.0 – an average that corresponds to an educational system of comparable quality to that of developed countries.
Ideb by school
As Ideb by school you can know the index from your school through of the note Ideb, so you know how it goes The school you study is very simple, you will do this by accessing this link http://idebescola.inep.
Goals of Ideb
O Ideb is the objective indicator for verifying compliance with the goals set in the Term of Adhesion to the All for Education Commitment, axis of the Education Development Plan, of the Ministry of Education, which deals with basic education. Within this scope, which falls under the idea of intermediate goals for the Ideb.
A lógica é a de que para que o Brasil chegue à média 6,0 em 2021, período estipulado tendo como base a simbologia do bicentenário da Independência em 2022, cada sistema deve evoluir segundo pontos de partida distintos, e com esforço maior daqueles que partem em pior situação, com um objetivo implícito de redução da desigualdade educacional.