Karl Marx


Marx was born in Trier, Germany, in 1818. In philosophical creation, his theory is a landmark for the intellectual works of humanity.

His academic training was completed at the universities of Bonn and Berlin, where he studied Law.


After graduating and interested in philosophy, history and writing, he went to work as a journalist. At the age of 24, he began publishing articles with social content, which caused anger among politicians and influential people in the country.

Karl Marx

Creation of Communism

A follower of the theories of Hegel, a German socialist philosopher, Marx became close to the economic woes that suffocated the population.

After moving to Paris, where his first wife lived, he dedicated himself to the production of the “French-German Annals”, a work of leftist theory.


In the French capital, Marx approached Friedrich Engels. During this period, he composed “Contribution to the critique of Hegel’s philosophy of law”.

Your works

One of the masterpieces by the duo Marx and Engels was released in 1848 and is called “Manifesto of the Communist Party”.
The material shows a style of movement that wages battle against capitalism. In this model, society would not be formed by a hierarchical class and would abandon the category of State.

He went to Germany after being expelled from Belgium. After all, his ideas did not please the powerful. In the new address, he set up the newspaper “Nova Gazeta Renana”, a vehicle that would serve to disseminate Marxist theory.

Once again his ideologies were not well accepted, and he ended up being expelled from Germany.

In self-exile in London, he experienced poverty, which became part of his routine. Without money and living in a low-class situation, he studied history and economics in London and then contributed articles to newspapers in the United States.

During this period he was the creator of the “International Workers’ Association” and published the first part of another masterpiece, called “Capital”. The second and third parts would be published later by his friend Engels.

Before he died, Marx was still involved with several labor movements in Germany.

He died on March 14, 1883. His work influences all historical, political and academic formation to this day.

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Isa Fernandes
Passionate about technology and the world of apps. I like to write about the best news on the market and its trends.

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