Masturbation – Sexuality


There was a lot of talk about Masturbation, but over the years this term lost its pejorative connotation and started to gain a different concept, both by those who practice it and by society.

Masturbation is nothing more than a physical act of sexual stimulation practiced alone. In it, the individual seeks the pleasure that exists in a sexual relationship that is normally practiced by two or more people.


This expression originates from the sexual psychologist Havelok Ellis, who created the union between the two Latin terms. 'Manus', which means hands and 'Turbari' which carries the connotation of rubbing. Therefore, it expresses the action of manipulating and exciting the sexual organs, with the aim of achieving sexual pleasure, which is usually accompanied by orgasm.

The activity of masturbation is very common among mammals, especially among humans, both among men and women. Generally, the practice of masturbation begins in the early years of childhood, children begin to touch their own bodies in an alternative search for new pleasures.


During adolescence, this becomes an act of biological needs and hormonal disorders. This practice can even be part of sexual relations as a kind of improvement in life as a couple.

In old age, this act becomes a kind of consolation to make up for the absence of a sexual partner, as many believe that at this stage of life it is no longer viable to have sexual relations as a couple, which, by the way, is nothing more than a myth. .

Even in ancient Greece, moral freedom allowed people to freely practice masturbation, as something natural, in the Christian West this was a reprehensible practice, since it was believed that each wasted sperm was in fact a type of fetus, and carrying out this act was characterized as a terrible crime. These and other stories created to prohibit the act stimulated the guilt complexes that persist in our society to this day.

Currently, experts recommend that parents allow their children to practice masturbation as something healthy and private. They consider this to be a healthy practice of human life. But when masturbation becomes a compulsory act, an escape from reality, psychological guidance should be sought.

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Isa Fernandes
Passionate about technology and the world of apps. I like to write about the best news on the market and its trends.

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