It is a Japanese martial art that existed more than a thousand years ago.
In Japan, there were many schools and families of ninjutsu (ninjas), but during the era of civil peace, the services of ninjas were unnecessary. That's why many of these schools disappeared, some remaining through tradition: passing from father to son.
Ninjutsu is directly linked to the history, politics and culture of Japan, which is why ninjas had different functions: guerrillas, terrorists, assassins, secret agents of the Japanese government, police instructors and so on in different periods.
In the provinces of Koga and Iga, there were many different clans of ninja, with different styles. The “warriors of darkness” developed their way of survival, self-defense, martial tactics with weapons, camouflage, espionage and guerrilla warfare, later recognized as ninjutsu.

Ninjas are based on spirituality, faith and ecology.
Shinto, “the way of the kami”, is one of the main spiritual influences of ninjas. Kami is the Japanese word for God. Philosophy believes in a feeling more focused on a sacred force than on a superior being. The Mikkyo method, another influence, consists of expanding inner strength or Ki, through the use of secret words and symbols to focus energy and intentions on specific goals.
They had many skills with plants and, therefore, developed natural remedies, hence their connection with ecology. In Koga, Shiga Prefecture, there are still pharmaceutical companies today that originated from the precepts of natural medicine developed by ninjas.
Ninjutsu is often translated as “art of disappearance”, but the kanji “NIN” has other meanings, such as: perseverance; resistance and especially tolerance (the most important ninja precept).
Women were part of the ninja world, receiving the name kunoichi. Only committed members knew that behind the mask of a kunoichi was a woman. The ninjas were sensual, warriors and knew how to seduce and, with that, annihilate enemies. They had special uniforms, which left their beautiful legs strategically exposed. They were competent and almost always managed to achieve their objectives.
Ninpo (essence of the ninja image) is a physical, emotional and spiritual method of PROTECTION. Ninja skills are also the result of ignorance, which is why they are exaggerated, due to restricted access to their world.
Worldwide, there is an image of a ninja as a potential criminal, but this is due to the fact that they fight samurai, who in times of war were on the side of the ruling class. Even so, the martial art of ninjutsu attracts everyone from children to agents of the world's main secret services due to its philosophy.
Wing Chun
Ving Tsun ou Wing Tsun é um sistema de luta que economiza nos movimentos e utilização da estrutura óssea, no sul da China. A arte baseia-se na leitura da inteligência da “Garça” com a “Serpente” e na base do “Carneiro”. Muitos mestres oficiais do Wing Chun em todo mundo trabalham para o crescimento,mas o responsável por sua popularidade no ocidente foi seus mais famoso praticante, Bruce Lee, que era discípulo de Yip Man, o homem que praticou e valorizou o Wing Chun, utilizando-o como base para o “estilo” de luta que ele criou mais tarde,o Jeet Kune Do.
Wing Chun is a self-defense system, created by a woman (Shaolin nun) in China. It discards all acrobatic movement, so it is simple and efficient. It is a martial art developed to allow any type of person, regardless of size, strength or gender, to defend themselves against bigger and stronger attackers.
It works with all possibilities: more than one attacker, attacks from any direction, standing, sitting or already on the ground, etc.
It originates from the Shaolin monastery (Siu Lan), where the martial arts master, Monk Ng Mui, had technical skills superior to the fighters of her time. Based on her knowledge of traditional styles and reading of the fight between the snake and the heron, she created a new and effective combat system, which rectified the weaknesses of conventional systems and took advantage of them. It became a fighting system over time, where other masters included new techniques. Example: introduction of the long stick.
The basic principle of Wing Chun is to use the aggressor's strength against the aggressor himself, where defense already works as attack and vice versa.