Percentage, how to calculate and practical percentage examples
The percentage is widely used at different times in our lives, especially when asking for discounts or even calculating the value of some products that we use a lot and their values have gone up.
How to calculate percentage?
It is not difficult you calculate the percentage of the values.
It's very simple for you to calculate, just follow our example.
Example 1 of how to calculate percentage
If you want to know the percentage of a certain value, you must take the value of the percentage you want to find out and multiply by the original value and finally divide by 100, the result is the percentage value.
Ex.: João wants to know how many 20% is out of 300
20 x 300 / 100 = 60
20% of 300 is equal to 60
For you to make any calculations where If you have the percentage, just change the values above and the result will be correct.
Example 2 of how to calculate percentage
There is another example which is when you have a value but you don't have the percentage of that value, first you must take the total value and divide it by 100, after that you must take the value you want to find out the percentage which in our example will be 20 and divide this value by the result of the first account, see example
Ex.: João wants to know what percentage is 20 out of a total of 300
300 / 100 = 3
20 / 3 = 6,666%
If you want to find a percentage from a value, as we saw in the example above, you should just change the values in the example above and your result will be correct.