Racial Prejudice in Brazil and the World, Institutional Racism and Crime
The issue of racial prejudice in Brazil is much talked about even today where a minimum of respect was expected, given that the black population is more than 53% of Brazil's inhabitants.
To try to better understand the reason for this prejudice, we have to go back in time, to the time of discovery when slaves were brought to Brazil by Portugal.
As we know, before the discovery of Brazil by Portugal, Brazil was inhabited by Indians, this makes it certain that prejudice was brought to Brazil in the form of culture by the Portuguese.
Soon after the discovery, many slaves from Africa were brought to Brazil to help in the colonization of the country and from there they were made inferior, treated even worse than many animals and this continued for many, many years, causing new generations also lived in this world of slavery and took with them everything they saw and this was passed on to their generations.

Racism in Brazil
With all this, Brazil was the last country to abolish slavery in 1888 with the Áurea law and since then slavery has been extinguished in Brazil, but not the inferiorization of black people compared to white people, this is due to the culture of years and years of slavery regime of the time.
But time goes by and prejudice still exists today, much less than in the early 1900s, but it still exists, but all because of this outdated culture of inferiorizing a person because of their color.
In addition to racism against black people, there is also racism against indigenous people, who are therefore the true owners of this land.
Prejudice is cultural, but it is a very bad part of our culture that must be changed as soon as possible, many have already changed, but we need more people to change.
Prejudice is not just between white people towards black people, there is also prejudice between black people towards white people and prejudice wherever it comes from is wrong, we need to set an example of change at home, we are on the path to change and we need to each do our part your part to have a better future.
Racial prejudice crime
Racial prejudice has been considered a crime since 1989 when a specific law was created for this, making every act of racial prejudice a crime provided for by law, the law is 7,716, this legislation determines the penalty of imprisonment for anyone who has committed acts of discrimination or prejudice based on race, color, ethnicity, religion or national origin.
The crime of racial prejudice is a non-bailable and imprescriptible crime, that is, if you commit this crime, there will not be a stipulated amount for you to get out of jail and not even after many years you will not escape being arrested if you prove the crime.
Many people in our country and even outside of it there is this type of prejudice, in our country the persecution is due to the color of the skin and in the world the greatest persecution is due to religion, but in Brazil this is considered a crime, so stay Pay attention and remember, we are all equal regardless of anything and each person has the right to choose what they want for their life, as long as it does not interfere in any way in the lives of other people.
Institutional racism
Institutional racism is when there is inequality between people due to color, race, sex, among other things, in many places this type of institutional racism still exists, especially against women, not giving due respect to the capabilities they may have at the head of any business.
Institutional racism is not just in companies, it happens in public government bodies and also in universities.
Over time this has been changing and inequality between people has been decreasing and this must be eradicated. The issue of institutional racism comes largely from the outdated culture of our people.