What is Recycling?
Recycling is the process where various types of materials discarded as waste are reused as raw materials for the manufacture of other products. In addition to appearing physically different, their chemical properties are also altered. This differs from the so-called reuse of recycling.
It reduces waste that would otherwise be discarded in nature and helps reduce raw materials, often coming from non-renewable resources and energy.
But for recycling to be carried out, another process is necessary, called Selective Collection, where materials are separated by type, even if they are not used in the recycling process, as this makes it easier: paper, glass, metal, plastic, waste organic and wood.

See recycling materials and the cities that recycle the most in Brazil
In Brazil, cans and PET bottles are disposable materials and are recycled. Plastics, steel cans, glass, among other materials, are little considered in recycling, as previously stated, and therefore reinforce statistics that estimate that only 11% of everything that is thrown in the trash in our country is recycled.
Cities such as Curitiba (PR), Itabira (MG), Santo André (SP) and Santos (SP) are the ones that recycle the most waste they produce.