Saint Thomas Aquinas – Who was Thomas Aquinas?
Thomas Aquinas was born in 1225 in Aquinas, Italy. Today the place corresponds to the region of Roccasecca, in Lazio.

From a wealthy background, he studied primary school at the castle of Monte Cassino. In 1239, in Naples, he deepened his knowledge of philosophy by enrolling in the liberal arts course.
At that moment he approaches theology. A year later, in Cologne, he began to open the Magno Open. Graduated in theology, he went to work as a teacher in Rome.
Revolutionary, he changed the way of teaching at the University of Naples. He also participated in the Council of Lyon, drawn up by Pope Gregory X.
Thomas Aquinas was extremely influential in his time and left a work that supports philosophical and theological discussions. His best-known work is called Summa Theologiae, which addresses faith and its doctrine of philosophy.
Thomas Aquinas put the battle between classical philosophy and the Christian doctrine of the Catholic Church on the agenda in this book. Therefore, it is natural to find the theses of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle in his work.
His style promoted a movement called Thomism, which is the cult and philosophical study based only on reflections.
The Church took possession of his work and used it to increase the faith of its followers in the dispute against Protestants. Thomas Aquinas was a prince of scholasticism and became a saint after the canonization process in 1323, promoted by Pope John XXII.
He died at Fossenova Abbey, before participating in the council of Lyon in 1274.