Surely you yourself have forgotten to punctuate a sentence or put a comma in a text that ended up taking on a completely different meaning than you would have liked, right? Well, many people don't give due value to accentuation, but they should because a wrong comma or misplaced punctuation can completely change the meaning of your expression.

Please note: I go there of course not.
Now look: Me, go there? Of course
Did you see how the meaning of prayer completely changed? Accentuation accompanies our speech, our intonation. Therefore, it is possible to notice the pauses made by the speaker, showing clearly what and how he wants to say something. See another example below:
Congratulations. I wish you happiness. (In this case, using the period there is no intonation, you will look more like a robot)
Congratulations! Best wishes! It gets much better, doesn't it? With the correct use of punctuation, the sentence takes on a different intonation. In this case, the exclamation point was used to give more emotion to the sentence.
Therefore, accentuation is part of our spoken and written language, and it is essential to know how to use it correctly in everyday life.
In this section you will learn much more about how to correctly use punctuation marks: comma, period, question mark, exclamation mark, semicolon, colon, quotation marks, ellipsis, parentheses, and dash. Stay tuned!