
Noun, examples of use in sentences

In grammar, a noun is any word that names everything that exists, your name, the name of things like TV, chair, house, car, what you feel like love, pain and hatred They are also nouns, just as you hear, feel, see and even imagine.

How to identify the substantive in a sentence?

AND easy identify the substantive in a sentence, to identify the noun, you must ask 3 questions, who? O what? Where? With these 3 questions you can identify any noun in any sentence, whether it is a proper noun or a common noun.

Noun Examples


To make it easier for you to understand, we will provide you with some examples:

  • John has two cars, but only uses one of them.

In this case we have 2 nouns, a proper noun and a substantive common, let's now use the questions (who? What? Where?)

  • Who Do you have two cars? João, that is, João is the proper noun of the sentence.

Now let's find out the common noun in this sentence.

  • What Does John have? Two cars, i.e, the car is the common noun in the sentence.

Another example of a sentence, but now referring to a location.

  • I'm going to Europe.

As in the case above, we will use the questions to find the noun in the sentence.

  • For where go? Europe, that is, Europe is the common noun of the phrase

As we have seen, we can see that it is very simple to find the noun in any sentence, whether it is a proper noun or a common noun, using questions you can find it much more easily.

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Isa Fernandes
Passionate about technology and the world of apps. I like to write about the best news on the market and its trends.